Friday, February 22, 2008

Wish you were here...

Prompt: Insert this song lyric into your fiction: 'We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after a year.'

This first draft has been removed as it has been chosen to be included in my 2008 Anthology and is under consideration for inclusion on a collaborative one with Jodi and Paul.

These will be available here - so do pop over!


Anonymous said...

I love the futuristic take on this. It was very nicely done, and it's interesting the different parts of the song that people are focusing on this week, provided that they recognize it. One person so far hasn't.

Eileen said...

Nice Work!

PJD said...

I really like this. Creative take on a difficult prompt. You also do a good job of building the world slowly through show-not-tell.

Keith's Ramblings said...

Terrific piece. This is the most difficult prompt I've encountered anywhere, and your take on it is just magic.

Jodi Cleghorn said...

This is absolutely brilliant Annie - to quote the Castle "its gold!" Thank you Turion of visiting Annie.

I love Mr Floyd as the philosopher, I could just keep raving abvout how much I liked this - but instead I'll pass the computer over to Dave as he should read this also!

Congratulations Annie - it hasn't taken you long to hit your writing stride ... and who says 'But I dont write science fiction.'

Jodi Cleghorn said...

Loved it! As a Floyd fanatic I always thought they were philosophers! Leaves you wanting more to answer all the questions it raises.
(from Dave, not Jodi).

anthonynorth said...

I liked this - the desolation, almost post-apocalyptic. You created an excellent atmosphere.

Anonymous said...

Thanks guys - this prompt really had be paniced - nothing came to me till Turion "visited"..... I guess I write scinece fiction now... am really keen to explore his world now...