Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The toss of a coin

Prompt: Toss a coin - Heads your character will like Valentines Day, Tails, they dispise it..

This first draft has been removed as it has been chosen to be included in my 2008 Anthology and is under consideration for inclusion on a collaborative one with Jodi and Paul.

These will be available here - so do pop over!


Jodi Cleghorn said...

You're a natural story teller Annie - but really should I be surprised??

Great story again ... and sorry we've been absent all week - have loved Lilly's phone messages. Got the magazine finally done (yay I'm free!), Dylan survived Kindy ( he loved it and has loads of confidence apparently!) so will catch up next week - will have to book Lilly in for a date!! Go girl!!

Anonymous said...

Wonderfully told, and I love the ending. I half expected that this would be tragedy.

Keith's Ramblings said...

A really good read, and a clever take on the prompt. I enjoyed it thoroughly.

Anonymous said...

The wording in this is wonderful Annie. I especially like the "peace of the garden" because it evokes strong images in double-meanings.

PJD said...

This grabbed me and pulled me in. I admit I was a little disappointed by the ending... I would have preferred something a little more bold, I guess. Not necessarily tragic, but something with a little more punch to it.

The writing is strong and vivid and suggestive. Nicely done.

gautami tripathy said...

Despite the ending, I liked the story.

10 to 10