Monday, October 11, 2010

The Authors of The Yin and Yang Book

The launch of The Yin and Yang Books yesterday attracted hundreds of comments on the Facebook party site - with moderator Jodi being turfed out for being too prolific!!

 There was a lot of light hearted jokes, clinking of virtual champagne and congratulations being handed round.

Jen Brubacher  started to compile a list of the launch day blog posts - which with permission I have 'stolen' and will continue here.  These link back to the authors' own blogs, so you might find something else of interest there, including their biographies, other publications, free flash fiction, and what they had for breakfast.....

Kicking off for the Yin Book, Jen Brubacher, author of "Lost and Found"  has posted here.

Carrie Clevenger, author of The Yin Book story "Excess Baggage"has posted here.

Lauren Eno, author of The Yin Book story "Freedom"has a quick post here.

Icy Sedgewick, author of The Yin Book story "The Strangest Comfort" has posted some information here.

Lily Mulholland, author of the penultimate Yin Book story "Double Talk" talks about how publishing can be like giving birth.

And Jodi Cleghorn, editor of The Yang Book and author of the Prologue for both books picks up that thread and gives us a summary of some of the high and low points for the whole process.

I posted about both books here and here. ( my story  "Kanyasulkam" will be included in the  Yin Book story)

Weighing in for The Yang Book authors, Tony Noland, author of"Dogs of War" has posted about both The Yin Book and The Yang Book.

Jon Strother, author of ‘No Passengers Allowed.’ has sent a shout out here

Rob Diaz, author of " Thirteen Feathers"  blogged about it here

and Paul Anderson, editor and author of the Epilogue,  is poised to post in the next few hours ( I'll update the link when it does)

Once again, you can get your hands on a copy of The Yin Book, The Yang Book or the double anthology at the Chinese Whisperings bookshop. If you're still not sure, there's an excerpt from the start of every story available on the Chinese Whisperings blog.