A random photo is posted and entrants are given a few hours to write a story under 300 words to accompany the photo.
The Special Unit
“So” demanded the Chancellor, “Hows goes the special unit?”
“Excellent,” the Colonel countered confidently. “ My intel advises me that the newest unit has exceeded all economy targets and their stealth ability is unsurpassed.”
“Humpf”, grumbled the Chancellor. “Once info about this unit goes public, I am going to be under a lot of pressure from the women’s guild to the human rights league. I need to have specific figures. I need assurances that this unit can not be mistaken for humans.”
“Sir with all due respect, Genetic Displacement Cloning has been a part of our society for nearly 30 years. The public will accept that this unit is just the same as all of the other defence units” replied the Colonel . “Besides, what started as a malfunction in the protein drip and potentially could have been a very expensive disaster, has proven to be extremely cost effective with the ongoing maintenance and upkeep far below what normal units cost us.This group will stay the size and shape they are till they die or are killed in combat.”
The Chancellor paced the room, his hands clasped behind his back “Even so…. I need assurances that this unit do not display any human tendencies. They must be focused entirely on their purpose in warfare.”
“Ralph, They may look a little different to the other soldiers, but believe me, the assassination simulation training they just underook yesterday was textbook. They are honestly the best team I have ever seen come out of the academy.”
Colonel Sherrie pressed a button and a huge screen displayed real time training exercises of the unit. Golden haired cherubs whose tiny figures were swamped in combat fatigues, expertly built, then fired rounds from machine guns ,before disassembling them.
“Their times for that exercise alone has set an academy record.” The colonel said taping her fingers against the control board.
“Humpf. Very well. Continue. Make sure we get better fitting uniforms will you?” and with that the Chancellor turned and left.

What a great take on the picture! I particularly like the image of the cherubic creatures shooting their guns. Very clever. I love sci fi.
Oh it's clever, but still sad to think of all those cute little faces! I didn't know what to do about the uniform being to big in mine so I ignored it. Here's mine.
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