Friday, October 22, 2010

Passage of Darkness

This story has been removed for further editing and refining.. Hopefully it will be submitted to competitions and perhaps an Anthology...

thanks for popping by when it WAS up.. and leaving your comments


Prompt -Include this theme in your story… "After a long night, a hunter sees something he/she cannot believe."

Story inspired by the [Fiction Friday] prompt at Write Anything and submitted to JM Strother’s #FridayFlash  via TwitterThis story will be recorded and posted up for Spoken Sunday via Audio Boo 


Icy Sedgwick said...

Wow, he is one calm customer! I'd be a bit freaked out if something I'd shot started moving, but he handled it with such ease - if this was a movie, he'd be Kurt Russell.

tanya bell said...

A kangaroo animated by a goanna,now that's not something your expect to see. Was dissapointed for your man to not catch sight of his dingo's.

Shelli said...

I liked your setting with this piece, it made me feel like I was in the outback with him.

Stacey said...

I love how you've made it seem that there is something supernatural going on and there is actually a mundane explanation... a bit of a reverse on what usually happens!

John Pender said...

I was half expecting the roo to come back to life and chase after him, and was wondering how it was going to do that minus legs. The goanna was a good twist. Made me laugh.

Laura Rachel Fox said...

Lovely twist. You were able to bring the setting and character to life. I have no real experience with hunting or the Outback setting, but I still felt as if I was there, seeing and feeling everything.

Zara C said...

This is a greeat blog