Prompt: If you could be any age at Christmas, what would it be? — list 5 reasons why (don’t stop at 5!!)
The wonderment of Christmas lights on festive trees or on houses open a fairytale world to a child. Tinkling bells whisper secret promises of Christmas morning. With singing, festive decorations and most people in a far better mood than other times of the year, if I could choose to be any age at Christmas time; I’d be 4 and a half.
- Fairies and unicorns are real.
- There is no other colour in the universe better than pink. Well, perhaps purple with twinkling stars through it.
- Every one calls you “Princess” and means it.
- Dimples behind your knees are cute.. as are a rounded tummy and chubby cheeks.
- Any present which contains a sparkly wand or clip clopy plastic shoes or huge junky plastic jewellery is far better than anything else in the world.. except a pony.
- A child of four and a half has an incredible ability to consume copious amounts of candy canes and icecream and never once worries about sugar content, tooth decay or calories.
- Regardless of what time you went to bed on Christmas Eve, as soon as the sun is up ( and often beforehand) you are able to spring out of bed, alert and ready to explore what Santa has brought.
- The best presents your family get are ones crafted by your own fair hand; squew-wif angels atop pink cottoncandy trees, heavily decorated with sticky fingerprints and far too much glue and sparkles.
- Often the boxes and wrapping paper hold as much playtime enjoyment than the presents (especially the ones from old aunts who give you books, underwear, socks and handkerchiefs.)
- Christmas time is one of the only times adults tend to let their guard down, have fun, get competitive with slot car racing, board games or building mansions from lego.
- Chocolate is chocolate... isn't it? no concerns about purity or cocoa percentages.
Have a fabulous Christmas - be with the ones you love and cherish these times.
Rainbows and purple. It's the bestest. You get all the cute stuff. The child in us goes weeeeeeeeee! Happy Holidays Annie!
Thank you for the visit. Yes I agree 4 would be fun. I act like a 4 year old sometimes and it really does work for me!
This blog is just a beautiful image of the Christmas sparkle as seen through the eyes of a very young soul!
Happy New Year
Christmas's always wonderful, but I think no one sees it more wonderful than a 4 year old girl! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year :)
Thanks for your visit and comment too ^ ^
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