Friday, May 8, 2009

The Crickets Song

Prompt: A man is given the ability to go back in time and change one event in his life.

This story has been removed for further editing and refining.. Hopefully it will be submitted to competitions and perhaps an Anthology...

thanks for popping by when it WAS up.. and leaving your comments


M. D. Benoit said...

Very nice. You kept me guessing until the end. Was he going to do it? Was he not? Happy endings are fun to write, but it might have been interesting to have him make the opposite decision... then have to live with the regret.

Bill said...

I really enjoyed that! Even though my writing did a happy one, I did enjoy the happy ending. Too often people don't realise what they have (or had after it is too late).

Nice read.

rosey said...

That was a really great read. I love a story with a proper beginning, middle and end and yours had them all!

Anonymous said...

Yea, he stayed! Great story. Anyone who has had a bad day, week, year could sympathize with him. Glad that at least one of the stories for FF has a happy ending (mine didn't lol)!

Margo said...

I was pretty concerned for a bit there. And when his daughter saw him, I kind of just wanted to kick him. Great job, and I'm glad that you went with the happier ending. :)

Anonymous said...

What a lovely story. How many couples wish they could reclaim the excitement and romance of the early days of their relationship, but won't actually do anything about it themselves. Love the ending!



Anonymous said...

This was well written and nicely done! I kept wondering what he was going to do and was happy with his choice. We should all take a moment to reclaim what we have.

Unknown said...

thanks everyone. I write so many bloodthirsty, gory or unhappy things I wanted a break - so was glad when he decided to stay.. even I had no idea till he announced it.

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