Write about a leopard print dress.
This first draft has been removed as it has been chosen to be included in my 2008 Anthology and is under consideration for inclusion on a collaborative one with Jodi and Paul.
These will be available here - so do pop over!
I like this story. It makes one feel so good.
What a beautifully written story. A great read.
thanks guys!! I hope I wasn't too illusive with my goddess conntection.. I am thinking of writing some more modern day myths...maybe revisiting old myths and updating them..
I really like the end bit here Annie - the voice that Kelly hears - you've woven it without it being self conscious.
We could all take a leaf out of Kelly's book and look beyond the veils that we shroud ourselves with. I am sure that Maya is pleased.
You could considered writing this in three parts - a prequel with the spinning, this with the weaving, and then a sequel with the cutting (as per Goddess/pagan beliefs) ???? Who was Kelly before - just how awful was her life, and how wonderful does it become.
thanks Jodi - you know thats another project Ihave in my mind ( like I need another..) will def have that fired up.. hugs
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